We know that these are very worrying times and having pests in your home can be very stressful. If you need a treatment, we will work with you to protect you and our staff.
We take the Government guidance on Covid-19 very seriously and update our working practices when required. More information can be found here https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
We cannot undertake treatment if a member of your household is self-isolating due to corvid 19 symptoms, or is infected.
Our staff know that if they show any symptoms of Covid -19 they are to self-isolate and not attend work.
Our staff are well-informed in washing hands in warm soapy frequently for at least 20 seconds and if this is not possible use hand sanitiser gel.
Our staff practice social distancing (keeping 2 metres apart) and we request that you do so too, we ask that if you can, it is probably best if you stay in a different room if there is not enough space to allow a 2-metre gap.
Our staff are provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in order to carry out the treatment in your home as safely as possible. This is to ensure the protection of you and us.